Friday, November 28, 2008

TV [is] for dummies...Like me.

• Track your television viewing for one week. (If you don’t watch television, WATCH SOME!!) What did you learn about yourself? What did you learn about television? What does television provide you (fulfillment of a need -- See Chapter 15)?
I learned that I think TV sucks. That is a bit abrupt, but I have satellite at home and during Thanksgiving break I tried to watch all the TV I could and realized that it just isn't good. TV I actually like. Family Guy, Sports center, Heroes(somewhat), and some discovery/history/national geographic channel. TV is just entertainment, I go to the internet for news and weather, and also education.I think that TV has little real substance in these days, and the shows are getting less and less enjoyable. The so called "reality shows" are the worst and also the competition silliness such as Dancing with the Stars and American Idol. I think it's crap. ALL CRAP. That's why I just check out seasons of shows that interest me and hardly ever view TV except for sports.

• Critiques argue that in trying to “offend no one,” the networks tend to offer TV programs that appeal to the “lowest common-denominator.” Do you agree? Can you name programs that are definitely for the LCD? Can you think of any network (NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, CW) programs that defy the LCD label? Explain.

TRUE. Today's TV is REALLY simple. I think that most viewers are working class and likely mid income. (DUH, the demographics of the US, but wait, there's value in stating the obvious). Everybody in the US pretty much has a TV. A lot of people come home after their long and arduous job and have no other desire than to relax. TV will help you escape from reality, but it has to be easily understandable. So sex, violence, crude humor, and simple humor take a forefront. This is the LCD. Everybody can understand, and it has nearly universal appeal. Guilty of this is my own favorite, Family Guy. This should demonstrate nicely:

Full of sex jokes, stabs at famous people or trends, farts and such, it certainly isn't what one would call intellectually stimulating. Any of the competition shows(such as American Idol), or the reality shows, (Survivor), are just watch and be entertained. No thinking, no lessons, just watch. I can't think of any networks that break out of this trend, there may be a show here and there(none spring to mind), but in general, they have to get payed. Profit isn't gained by alienating the bulk of your potential audience.

• Many people would say that television has had a greater impact on society than any other form of media. Do you agree? Why or why not?
Nope, internet takes it by a slide. But if you don't consider the internet, sure. I mean, it devastated magazines, newspapers, and the radio at the same time. I think it's because it tickles more of your senses at the same time: sight AND sound. But hey, that's just my opinion. I think that it did it's greatest damage by tying the family to a magical box in a room (or several rooms) of their house. Along with the TV came the eventual video game and probably the worst result of the pair of them was a time consumer that has limited intellectually enlarging value. Reading books or reading in general, which brings the mind to bear and can at least increase vocabulary, was shoved to the side as TV muscled its way in front of our faces. Bottom line: TV is easy, the secret to it's success. It is so prevalent in our society that it will continue to have a great impact... well, probably forever.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Movies, films, flicks...Whatever

Why is the amount of sex and violence increasing in motion pictures? Is this a case of Hollywood giving society what they want or is it simply society’s acceptance of what we are given?

That's a good question. I think it's the media equivilant of asking which came first, the chicken or the egg? Humans have always had an infactuation with violence and sex. We used to get our kicks from the gladitors killing each other and now we watch movies like Sin City and Saw.

As each medium (movies included) has become more widespread, there is less control over what we view. Public outcry is less now than it used to be because of increased access. I am convinced that there is a trend of having to "out do" the previous generations extremes. What I consider normal and appropriate, my parents abhor,what me parents considered normal, outraged their parents, and so forth. As fas as media is concerned. An example: I find the movie "Boat Trip" to be amusing and not too bad. I watched it with my parents and they thought it was scandalous. My parents tell me that when they were dating, they went to see "Paint your wagon." I think that movie is great, but in comparison to todays standards, it was really reserved. But for my grandparents, they thought it was inappropriate. So whose standard is best? I don't know, but if the trend continues, my kids are likely to be watch 3D porn and thinking nothing of it.

If you were a movie producer, what would you do to make a box office hit in 2008?

I would take something that was a hit from the past, and recreate it and package it to appeal to everyone. This is like Lord of the Rings, Comic book movies (Spiderman, transformers, iron man, Batmen,etc), Old TV shows (Starsky and Hutch, Miami Vice, etc). These movies will always have their core followers, but then a new group of people that think it is interesting. It will become trendy like transformers. The movie I would like to make would be of the 90's animated cartoon show, Gargoyles.

I think that if it was done like the Batman movies with the crisp feel of good epics like Lord of the Rings or Gladiator, it would be SWEET!!! Key would be getting the right combination of big name actors with lesser known people. I think the females would have to be smoking hot and the main female gargoyle (whose name is Demona for those who aren't fans) would have to be scandalously clad for extra sex appeal. (along the vain presented in the above paragraph). It would be a hit, kids would be getting their Gargoyle toys from their fast food joints. Older people would appreciate the action and the cool storyline of Gargoyles which involves a charismatic and wealthy villain. Also, Gargoyles allows for cool scenes to take place in medieval times, but also modern. I know I could make bank with this baby. (preferably a trilogy, as they seem to be all the rave these days.)