Friday, December 12, 2008

Reflective papar post...In summary of Media

What did you learn about the media?
I think that what I didn’t realize before that this class has shown me is that there is room for artistic expression in every type of media, even advertising. After seeing the “color like no other” ads, I realized that there are endless ways to find expression in any type of media. I also learned the importance of shared meaning. Something I found really interesting were the media conglomerates and the ability certain companies have to see somebody’s idea become a book, a movie, a TV series, and market a whole bunch of extra products. Although I have never been too trusting of the media, I have become even more skeptical of certain things as a result of the class. It seems that everyone has an agenda to push and even in pure entertainment items there are always added material intended to illicit response from the media viewer.
What were your expectations and were they met?
My expectations for this class were simple. I expected it to be fun. I REALLY enjoy different types of media and I figured a class dedicated to the various types of media couldn’t be too painful. I wasn’t disappointed. I enjoyed the format of the class, and I thought that the lectures were informative and engaging. I think that having a blog for journal entries was a clever way to utilize the learned classroom material in a practical way. I think that I am learning more from the group presentations than all of the other aspects of class combined. Watching movies in a class, listening to classic rock, watching episodes of old TV shows, and watching cool video clips is nothing short of golden for me. I missed one day of this class accidentally and never missed a day other than that because I liked coming. That is probably the best description about how this class has met my expectations that I can give.
How does the world see media compared to how you see the media?
The world views a lot more media as valuable than I do. I believe that there is at least some value in ALL media. That being said, I find VERY LITTLE real value in most media. I love music, I have 40+ gigs on my computer right now and that is only some of my music. However, there is a lot of it that I listen to and ask myself, “why do I even have this?’ Same with DVD’s I have around 400, and I like lots of them, but there are several that don’t contribute much to the values I hold dear. For me, I recognize two separate sets of criteria for evaluating media: morally good or effective in authors intent. Obviously media focusing on sex, violence, and crude humor aren’t morally valuable, but I can step outside of the happy value bubble and see that these types of media are great for effectively conveying what the author desires. I hold things up to a moral light first, and I doubt many in the world today even have a moral system for evaluating media, thus the major difference in our views.
How does all of this fir into the Lord’s plan for us?
Well, if you examine the entire plan of existence, we are currently in the “testing” phase. We are here to learn of and accept eternal truths. We do this by making covenants and “enduring to the end”. This is where the media comes in. I find much value in the media: the internet for example has facilitated family history and temple work in ways previously thought impossible. But on the whole, I view media as the refiner’s fire through which all must pass to gain exaltation. Whereas our ancestors had to cross plains on foot and face persecution and physical hardships, I believe our handcart to be regulating and limiting our media use to being constructive to obtaining eternal life. That is how the media fits into the Lord’s plan, it is just one more trial that we must overcome.

1 comment:

Douglas Porter said...

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